Visa fee for examining Schengen visa application is 90 Euros, visa fee for children from the age of six years and below the age of 12 years is 45 Euros.
The visa fee is waived for following applicants :
- children under six years;
- school pupils, students, postgraduate students and accompanying teachers who undertake stays for the purpose of study or educational training;
- researchers from third countries travelling for the purpose of carrying out scientific research as defined in Recommendation No 2005/761/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 September 2005 to facilitate the issue by the Member States of uniform short-stay visas for researchers from third countries travelling within the Community for the purpose of carrying out scientific research;
- representatives of non-profit organisations aged 25 years or less participating in seminars, conferences, sports, cultural or educational events organised by non-profit organisations;
- family members of citizens of Estonia;
- family members of citizens of an EU country, EEA country or the Swiss Confederation according to the Citizen of the European Union Act ;
- persons who enter Estonia by invitation of the President of the Republic, a member of the Board of the Riigikogu, a member of the Government of the Republic, the Chancellor of Justice, the Auditor General, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court or the Commander of the Defence Forces for the promotion of substantiated cultural interests, foreign policy, development policy or other significant public interest or for humanitarian considerations;
- holders of diplomatic and service passports.
According to the Visa Facilitation Agreements European Union has concluded with Russian Federation, Ukraine, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Moldova, citizens of these states pay visa fee of 35 Euros. Citizens of above mentioned states has also different other benefits which arise from Visa Facilitation Agreements. More information about Visa Facilitation Agreements is available here.
Visa fee can be paid (if application is lodged directly to the Embassy):
- in cash in the Embassy during lodging an application (Euro banknotes only, please bring exact sum if possible);
- by bank card in the Embassy during lodging an application (VISA, EuroCard, bank card must allow payments made outside of Türkiye);
- with a bank transfer to Embassy’s bank account in Garanti Bank (in Euros);
- with a bank transfer to the bank account of the Ministry of Finance in Estonia (Euros).
If application is lodged in the visa application center of VFS Global, visa fee can be paid only in the visa application center during lodging an application.
Bank account of the Embassy
Eesti Vabariigi Suursaatkond Ankara
Garanti Bank
324 – 9097779
IBAN: TR28 0006 2000 3240 0009 0977 79
Please mention applicants name and type of the visa in the clarification field of the transfer.
NB! The Bank transfer fee must be paid by the applicant!
Bank accounts of the Ministry of Finance in Estonia:
- SEB Pank EE891010220034796011 (BIC/SWIFT: EEUHEE2X)
- Swedbank EE932200221023778606 (BIC/SWIFT: HABAEE2X)
- LHV Pank EE777700771003813400 (BIC/SWIFT: LHVBEE22)
- Luminor Bank EE701700017001577198 (BIC/SWIFT: RIKOEE22)
Reference number: 2900073630
If it is not possible to enter the reference number on the payment order of a foreign country, the reference number must be entered in the clarification field.
Please mention applicants name and type of the visa in the clarification field of the transfer.